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Lithium-based Battery Pack Accreditations, Regulatory Standards & Industry Links Accreditation Agencies
Below is additional information on many of the existing industry standards. Below is a listing of accreditation agencies that establish standards and certifications for lithium-based battery packs.
UL2054: Underwriters Laboratories Scope for Standard for Household and Commercial Batteries http://ulstandardsinfonet.ul.com/scopes/scopes.asp?fn=2054.html
Portable Primary (non-rechargeable) and Secondary (rechargeable) batteries for use as power sources in products:
UL60950: Information Technology Equipment - Safety - Part 1: General Requirements http://ulstandardsinfonet.ul.com/scopes/scopes.asp?fn=60950-1.html
Battery- or mains-powered information technology equipment, (RATED VOLTAGE n<600 V)
IEEE 1725: Standard for Rechargeable Batteries for Cellular Telephones http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/1725/
Design analysis criteria for qualification, quality, and reliability of cellular phone rechargeable lithium ion and lithium ion polymer batteries. Also included in the standard are: battery pack electrical and mechanical construction, packaging technologies, and pack and cell level charge and discharge controls and overall system considerations.
IEEE 1625: Standard for Rechargeable Batteries for Portable Computing http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/1625/
This standard establishes criteria for design analysis for qualification, quality and reliability of rechargeable battery systems for portable computing. It also provides methods for quantifying the operational performance of these batteries and their associated management and control systems including considerations for end-user notification.
UN38.3 [DOT]: UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Section 38.3 Lithium Batteries, and the related Dangerous Goods Regulations http://www.unece.org/trans/danger/publi/manual/manual_e.html
This section of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria presents the procedures to be followed for the classification of lithium cells and batteries (see UN Nos. 3090 and 3091, and the applicable special provisions of Chapter 3.3 of the Model Regulations).
CE: CE Marking http://www.ce-mark.com/cedoc.html
The European Commission refers to the CE Marking of products as a "passport" which can allow a manufacturer to freely circulate their products within the European marketplace. The marking applies only to products regulated by the European Commissions health, safety and environmental protection legislation (product directives) but this is estimated to include more than 50% of the goods currently exported from the U.S. to Europe. All other consumer products are subject to the requirements of the General Product Safety Directive 92/59/EC, which does not require the CE-mark.
ANATEL (Brazil) http://www.anatel.gov.br/
ANATEL (Telecommunications National Agency) is in charge of telecommunication’s regulatory and supervisory activities in Brazil, including the certification of products and equipments to be used in the Brazilian’s telecommunication network.
E U Battery Directive http://ec.europa.eu/environment/waste/batteries/index.htm
The European Commission Directive aims at minimizing the negative impacts of batteries and accumulators on the environment and also harmonizing requirements for the smooth functioning of the internal market.
China RoHS: Management Methods for Controlling Pollution by Electronic Information Products http://www.ce-mark.com/cedoc.html
China RoHS provides a broad regulatory framework for substance restrictions, pre-market certifications, labeling and information disclosure requirements affecting a broad range of products and parts defined as "electronic information products" ("EIP").
PSE http://www.pseinc.com/Accreditation.htm
Fully accredited third party test lab providing safety testing services for product manufacturers. From prototype to finished, approved product. Providing UL, CE/LVD & CB scheme testing. Also providing specific accreditations for testing all of the following: information technology equipment, laboratory, test & measurement equipment, kiosks & power supplies.
China RoHS provides a broad regulatory framework for substance restrictions, pre-market certifications, labeling and information disclosure requirements affecting a broad range of products and parts defined as "electronic information products" ("EIP").
PSE http://www.pseinc.com/Accreditation.htm
Fully accredited third party test lab providing safety testing services for product manufacturers. From prototype to finished, approved product. Providing UL, CE/LVD & CB scheme testing. Also providing specific accreditations for testing all of the following: information technology equipment, laboratory, test & measurement equipment, kiosks & power supplies.
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